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Basic Photo Editing: Five Things to Keep In Mind


Have you always had a knack for photography but don’t have the right tools, knowledge level, or time to edit your images to look their best?

Do you want to take amazing photographs but can’t seem to capture the image you envisioned?

Don’t worry if any of these scenarios sound like you. You’re not alone! Learning how to edit basic photos is a skill that comes with practice and the know-how of how to work through common problems you’re likely to encounter.

Keep reading for some basic photo editing tips and tricks to help level up your photo editing game and create photos you’re proud to share!

How to Edit Photos? 

Pay attention to the lighting. Think about how will the lighting affect the photo. You should also check if the image is sharp. This is especially important if you are taking a close-up photo.

Use editing software to enhance the picture. There are many different editing tools available, so experiment to find the ones that work best for you. Additionally, save the edited photo in a format that can be easily shared. JPG is a good choice for most photos.

Five Basic Photo Editing Principles

Here are five things to keep in mind on how to edit digital photos:

  1. Color

Color can either compliment or clash with the subject. It can be used to create a mood or convey a message.

Choosing the suitable colors to use in place of the unsuitable ones is necessary. The replacement colors should be applied carefully so that they do not produce an unwanted color cast.

  1. Exposure

Exposure refers to how light or dark a photo is. It’s one of the important elements in basic photo editing. Too much exposure can wash out the colors, while too little can make a photo appear too dark.

  1. Contrast

Contrast is the difference in darkness and lightness between the subject and the background. It can make a photo pop or fade into the background. Too much contrast can be overwhelming, while too little can make a photo seem flat.

  1. Composition

Composition is the arrangement of the elements in a photo. It can be used to create balance, emphasize the subject, or create a sense of depth.

Layers might be useful. It allows you to add elements to an image and edit each one separately without completely changing the original image. Check out this guide on using layers.

  1. Cropping

Cropping is the process of trimming the edges of a photo. It can be used to change the composition, remove distractions, or focus on a specific detail.

From your main subject, remove any useless details that can be distracting. Whenever you can, keep your photo’s aspect ratio as is. Make sure your crop is balanced and composed properly.

Basic Photo Editing Essentials

Prior to anything else, basic photo editing needs to consider the file’s resolution and size. Be familiar with the various file types and when to use them. Ensure that the color space you use is appropriate for the project you are working on.

Understand how to make the most of layers and masking. Finally, don’t be afraid to start out various strategies to find which one suits you the most.

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