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How to wave back on instagram live?


Have you ever been watching someone’s Instagram Live and wanted to wave back, but didn’t know how? Well, luckily, it’s actually quite simple. Here’s how to wave at someone on Instagram Live:

  1. When you’re watching someone’s Live, simply tap and hold on the screen.
  2. A menu will pop up with various options, including the “Wave” emoji.
  3. Select the “Wave” emoji and your message will be sent!

That’s all there is to it! Now you know how to wave back on Instagram Live. So next time you’re watching someone’s Live and they wave at you, be sure to return the gesture.



Instagram Live is a great way to connect with your followers in real-time. Before how to wave at someone on Instagram Live, here are some tips on how to use Instagram Live to engage with your audience:

  1. let your followers know when you’re going live. This can be done by posting a photo or video on your feed, or by sharing a story.
  2. start with a brief introduction. Give your followers a quick overview of what you’ll be talking about.


  1. be yourself! Be natural and authentic in your delivery.
  2. engage with your viewers. Take questions, comments, and suggestions from your audience throughout the broadcast.
  3. end with a call to action. Tell your viewers what you want them to do next, whether it’s following your business, visiting your website, or sharing your content. 

By following these tips, you can use Instagram Live to deepen your connection with your followers and build your brand.


How to Wave Back on Instagram Live: A Step-By-Step Guide

When you’re watching someone’s Instagram Live, you have the option to wave back at them if you want. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

  1. Go to the person’s Instagram profile that you want to watch the live stream from.
  2. Tap on the “Live” icon (it looks like a little camera) to start watching their live stream.
  3. When you want to wave back at the person, tap on the “Wave” icon (it looks like a little hand waving).
  4. You’ll see a confirmation that you’ve waved back at the person. They’ll also get a notification that you’ve waved at them.

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