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What Are the Common Types of Freezers for Your Home?


Are you looking to stock up on essentials like frozen meats to save money? To do that, you need a freezer. And there are several types of freezers out there. 

To help weed out the options, identify what capacity and features fit your home. If you want to stock up, using a stand-alone freezer will help you save money and give you ample storage space. But if you don’t have the space in your home, you may need something smaller and more discrete. 

This article lists out the different types of freezers on the market so you can see which one best fits your needs. 

Keep reading to learn more! 

The Package Deal

The most common type of freezer is the one that comes with your refrigerator. Lucky for you, the standard fridge has evolved. You can now get your fridge with two deep freezer drawers perfect for story lots of food. 

Plus, refrigerators have a lifespan of up to twelve years. And since it’s one whole unit, you won’t have to worry about freezer replacement. But if you notice problems with your food, try some freezer troubleshooting tactics. 

These will help extend the life of your freezer. 

Upright Freezers

Like the ones attached to your fridge, upright freezers make great home freezers. Their height and size make them convenient to store. You can put them in the kitchen, garage, or basement. 

They have movable shelves that make organizing your frozen goods easy. And because they are standing upright, your food is easily accessible. Plus, upright freezers have an auto-defrost feature. 

The feature makes them easy to clean and causes you fewer freezer problems. 

Chest Freezers

A cheaper option, these stand-alone freezers give you gourmet storage space. Theses residential freezers range from 2.1 cubic feet to over 40 cubic feet. Chest freezers don’t come with shelves.

Instead, they have an easy-access basket to organize smaller items like frozen veggies. They are perfect for storing your next Costco run. Put them up in a garage, utility room, or basement. 

A downside is that chest freezers do not have a fan for circulation. It doesn’t harm the food, but it can cause more frost buildup within the box. So be sure to clean it to avoid freezer issues. 

Portable Freezers

They make everything small and convenient now. Freezers are no exception. Portable freezers make it easy to store and transport frozen goods without the mess of ice. 

They use a variety of power sources, making them ideal for camping, boating, and other outdoor activities. The different sizes and styles make portable freezers great for smaller kitchens. 

There Are Many Types of Freezers on the Market

Finding the right freezer for your home may seem overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. Familiarize yourself with the size and capacity you want and set a budget. Then browse through the common types of freezers for a home and find a style that works best for you. 

And soon you’ll be stocking up and saving money!  

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