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How To Prevent Propane Pressure Loss During In Cold Temperatures


Those who use propane in their homes use it for heating and cooking, along with many other uses. If it’s what your home is set up with, you know it’s what keeps you and yours warm, fed and safe. Unfortunately, there’s a direct correlation between the colder it is outside and the harder your propane system needs to work. You’ve probably heard this from your propane supplier, but the times you need it most are the time your propane system is most likely to run into issues. 

One of the most common issues you might face is a loss of pressure in the propane system. Thankfully, there are several ways you can prevent pressure loss and ensure that your propane system is functioning so your family doesn’t have to worry about a thing when the temperatures are at their coldest. 

Prevent The Issues Early

As with all things, if you think something might become a problem, get to it as soon as possible. The last thing anyone wants to run into issues with their propane system right when it’s needed most. Check the pressure gauge early on in the cold season and keep checking it often. As long as you feel comfortable, adjust the pressure as needed. 

If that’s not something you feel comfortable doing yourself, your supplier can send someone out to give you a hand. For those looking to make the pressure adjustments themselves, aim to keep the pressure right around 10-15 psi, as a general rule. To be cautious, you can always call the manufacturer or supplier and ask for their recommendations.

Insulating Your Propane Tank and Lines

As mentioned, the colder it is outside,the harder it is going to be to keep the pressure where it needs to be. The best way to help this is by keeping the outside elements at bay. It’ll feel next to impossible with extreme temperatures, but still insulate everything as best as possible. How you’ll want to do this is by insulating both your propane tank and lines. 

All too often, people only think to do one or the other but that’s how you’ll still run into problems.

When it’s done properly, both the tank and lines won’t be getting too cold, so the pressure will have an easier time staying right where it needs to be. Common insulations that are used include foam or fiberglass insulation and it’s recommended to start with either of  those first. 

Be Mindful All Year

The amount of propane your household uses isn’t going to be the same all 12 months of the year. Even with that in mind, keep an eye on it, regardless of the season. That’s the secret in preventing pressure loss. As often as you are comfortable doing so, check your system for leaks, cracks, or anything that looks out of place. Doing this every month or two is a good start.

Even If there’s only a small crack in the pipes, repair or replace any of it as needed. The professionals are always there if you feel like the replacement of any parts is large of a job for you. They’d also be happy to do the inspections if that’s not something to want to trust to yourself.

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