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Why You Should Try Premium Marijuana Seeds?


The best thing about cannabis is that the plant boasts numerous medicinal and industrial applications. The next best thing is that there are multiple ways to invest in the lucrative marijuana industry. Examples include becoming a cannabis grower, setting up a marijuana processing plant, trading in cannabis finished goods, and offering ancillary services like sales, marketing, distribution, and lab-testing services. 

But it doesn’t matter how you choose to invest in the cannabis industry. You must follow specific ground rules to succeed in your venture. 

As a cannabis grower, you’ll need to start by familiarizing yourself with your local cannabis laws. Note that marijuana remains illegal in many jurisdictions worldwide. 

If your local laws are weed-friendly, you will proceed to establish whether the prevalent climatic conditions favor cannabis farming. That includes analyzing factors like soil composition and weather patterns. You can buy

The next logical thing to do would be to purchase cannabis seeds. And this is where the rubber meets the road as far as successful marijuana cultivation is concerned. 

Purchasing poor-quality seeds are the surest way of setting up your cannabis farms for low harvests. In this post, we delve into the reasons for trying premium-quality marijuana seeds.

Why Buy Marijuana Seeds?

Like most plants, cannabis can be grown from seeds or clones. Each option has its pros and cons. 

So, why would you choose marijuana seeds over clones? 

The main benefit of growing weed from seeds is that it allows you to pre-select your strains from hundreds of available options. Note that cannabis comes in multiple strains. These strains can be Sativa-dominant, Indica-dominant, or hybrids. 

Fortunately, numerous weed suppliers offer a vast collection of strains. You can try premium marijuana seeds from High Supplies and experience the convenience of sampling different species and strains. All you need to do is check the other seeds on the retailer’s e-commerce website, select a strain of your choice, and then pay using the company’s secure payment options. Remember to establish whether they ship to your location before completing your purchase. 

Another reason to consider seeds over clones is that marijuana plants grown from seeds tend to be more vigorous. That’s mainly because such plants develop taproots with a more extensive root system. Extensive tap roots not only offer your cannabis plants better stability against windy conditions or rocky terrain. They also harness the plant’s ability to absorb water and mineral salts from the soil. 

Last but not least, cannabis plants grown from seeds are usually more resilient. Although marijuana is generally resilient, seed-grown weed plants have an extra layer of resistance against pests, diseases, and drought. 

On the flip side, there are certain drawbacks to growing cannabis from seeds. 

For instance, seeds are created via sexual reproduction. Therefore, plants grown from seeds may have significant genetic variations even if such plants are from the same strain. 

Also, newly-germinated seedlings tend to be more fragile than their cloned counterparts. 

Marijuana Seeds

Why Buy Quality Marijuana Seeds?

We’ve just reviewed the importance of growing cannabis plants from seeds instead of clones. However, it’s worth noting that all cannabis seeds are not made equal. Experts recommend choosing premium-quality seeds, and here are some reasons why:

Quality Seeds Have a Shorter Germination Period

Cannabis seeds can germinate anywhere from 3 to 10 days. However, quality seeds tend to have a shorter germination period.

You want your marijuana seeds to germinate faster so you can establish the germination rate and begin taking care of the young seedlings. 

One way to guarantee yourself a faster germination rate is by investing in premium-quality seeds.

Quality Seeds Have a Higher Germination Rate

Germination rate refers to the number of seedlings that sprout from the ground relative to the total quantity planted. Quality weed seeds register a relatively high germination rate than their regular counterparts. 

A high germination rate reflects favorably on your finances in the long run. That’s because it eliminates additional costs incurred in purchasing more seeds to plant in the spaces where previously planted seeds failed to sprout up. 

Soil quality and moisture content are other factors that may affect the germination rate of marijuana seeds. 

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Quality Seeds Have a Faster Maturation

The maturation period is a crucial factor that manufacturers often bear in mind when developing cannabis seeds. 

The goal is to create seeds that mature faster while still guaranteeing optimal yields. 

When you plant quality cannabis seeds, you’ll realize that your harvesting seasons come reasonably sooner. Therefore, you can have multiple harvests within a year, resulting in higher yields.

Quality Seeds Are More Resilient

Cannabis is considered one of the most resilient plants. That’s precisely why the plant is also known as weed, implying that it can generally thrive with minimal human care. However, marijuana is still susceptible to pests and diseases

Common pests that plague cannabis plants include cannabis aphids, Eurasian hemp borers, hemp russet mites, and corn earworms. The plant may also be affected by diseases like algae, powdery mildew, leaf septoria, and bud rot. 

One way to enhance the resilience of your marijuana plants is by investing in premium seeds. Quality seeds are highly resistant to pests, diseases, and even severe fluctuations in temperature and rainfall.

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As an aspiring cannabis grower, it’s important to prioritize premium seeds over regular ones. High-quality marijuana seeds guarantee a higher growth rate, faster maturation, and better resilience.

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