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Londonbased 78m Series 11m


London based 78m Series 11m is one of the popular series of capital raising initiatives that have been created to support the growth of London’s tech and digital ecosystem. This series of investment has provided much needed capital to many tech startups in the UK, allowing them to pursue their ambitions and showcase the potential of their ideas. This article will explore the aims and objectives of London based 78m Series 11m, focusing on its history and how it has helped startups in the UK to expand their reach and impact. 

History of London Based 78m Series 11m

The London Based 78m Series 11m was first established in 2012 and is the result of a collaborative effort between the Department of Trade and Industry, the UK Business Angels Association and a number of technology-focused venture capital firms. It was set up as part of the UK’s Innovative Industries Initiative, which was designed to promote growth in innovative industries by providing access to finance. Over the course of its seven year history, the fund has raised almost 78m pounds in total, which has been used to invest in more than 200 innovative startups. 

How the Fund Works

London based 78m Series 11m works by providing capital to growing startups through a range of debt and equity investment vehicles. Startups selected for investment are assessed for their potential and then receive either a single debit investment or a combination of debt and equity. This allows startups to access the necessary capital to fund their growth without taking on too much debt. 

Benefits of the Fund

London based 78m Series 11m has provided a number of benefits to the UK’s tech and digital ecosystem. Firstly, it has enabled many startups to access the necessary capital to pursue their ambitions. This has helped many startups to become established and pursue their ideas in the UK, thus contributing to the growth of the digital economy. 

Secondly, the fund has enabled investors to diversify their portfolios. By investing in a range of innovative startups, the fund has offered investors the opportunity to diversify their portfolios and gain access to potential future returns. 

Finally, the fund has provided a platform for stimulating the growth of the UK’s tech sector. By investing in a range of innovative companies, the fund has enabled more companies to access the necessary capital to pursue their ideas and help create a vibrant entrepreneurial ecosystem. 


London based 78m Series 11m has proved to be a vital part of the UK’s tech ecosystem over the last seven years. By offering a range of debt and equity investment vehicles, the fund has allowed many startups to access the necessary capital to pursue their ambitions and helped contribute to the growth of the UK’s tech sector. It has also provided investors with the opportunity to diversify their portfolios and access potential future returns. Ultimately, it is clear that London based 78m Series 11m has been a crucial factor in the development of the UK’s digital economy.

Related FAQs

  1. What is London based 78m Series 11m? 

Answer: London based 78m Series 11m is a series of capital raising initiatives established in 2012 to promote growth in innovative industries by providing access to finance.

  1. How does the fund work?

Answer: London based 78m Series 11m provides capital to growing startups through a range of debt and equity investment vehicles, such as single debit investments and a combination of debt and equity.

  1. What are the benefits of the fund?

Answer: London based 78m Series 11m has enabled many startups to access the necessary capital to pursue their ambitions, provided investors with the opportunity to diversify their portfolios and naturally stimulated the growth of the UK’s tech sector.

  1. What is tripledot 78m 11m?

Answer: Tripledot 78m 11m is a venture capital fund established in 2017 by the UK Business Angels Association, focused on providing capital to innovative tech startups.

  1. What is londonbased tripledot 78m?

Answer: Londonbased tripledot 78m 11m is a venture capital fund that seeks to invest in early-stage technology startups. It is managed jointly by the UK Business Angels Association and TripleDot Capital.

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